Journal Articles

Journal Articles
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Journal Articles

Rathi, N., & Lee, K. (2017). Understanding the Role of Supervisor Support in Retaining Employees and Enhancing their Satisfaction with Life. Personnel Review, Vol. 46 No. 8, pp. 1605-1619.
Rathi, N., & Lee, K. (2017). Role of Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction in Retaining Talent. Asia Pacific Journal of Business Administration, Vol. 9 No. 1, pp. 2-15.
Sett, R. K. (2017), “Market Orientation–Firm Performance Link in a Dynamic Environment: Looking Inside the Black Box,” Academy of Marketing Science Review
Ranganathan T. and Ananthakumar, U. (2017). Hedging in Presence of Crop Yield, Crop Revenue, and Rainfall Insurance. Journal of Quantitative Economics. 15(1):151-71
Ranganathan, T., Rao, N. C. and Pandey, G. (2017). Pilot Project to Ascertain the Use of Diesel for Irrigation. Agricultural Situation in India. 74(3): 42-44.
Ranganathan, T., Tripathi, A. and Pandey, G. (2017). Income Mobility among Social Groups in Indian Rural Households. Economic and Political Weekly. 52 (41):73-76.
Ranganathan, T. and Pandey, G. (2017). Tenancy and Fallow Land. World Development Perspectives. 7-8: 28-31.doi:10.1016/j.wdp.2017.11.002
Ranganathan, T (2017). Antibiotic Treatments for Short-Term Morbidity in India. Economic and Political Weekly. 52(47):77-80.
Pathak, A. A., (2016). Tata Motors’ successful cross-border acquisition of Jaguar Land Rover: key take-aways. Strategic Direction, 32(9), 15-18.
Pathak, A. A., (2016). Seller side HR perspectives during M&A deals: The journey from “intent” to “deal fruition”. Strategic Direction, 32(6), 19-22.