Conference Presentations

Conference Presentations
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Conference Presentations

Kaushik , K. (2016, October). Impact of Event Reputation on Sponsors’ Sentiment. 7th International Conference on Research in Adaptive and Convergent Systems, 11-14th October, 2016, Odense, Denmark.
Pani, S. K., & Chaterjee, A. (2016, June). Lessons from the Failures at the Bottom of the Pyramid. Sixth Subsistence Market Place Conference, Illinois, USA.
Avina Mendonca. (2015). Employee resistance in knowledge intensive organizations: A conceptual framework. Presented at Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 7-11 August 2015, Vancouver, Canada.
Avina Mendonca (2015). Resistance to surveillance in KIO: A conceptual framework. Accepted for presentation at Twelfth AIMS International Conference on Management, 2-5 January 2015, Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode, Kerala, India.
Tomer, G. Impact and implications of individual orientation towards a technology: A fit study among IT professionals. To be submitted to MIS Quarterly (Initial version of this paper was submitted and accepted in AOM, 2015 and ECIS, 2015)
Tomer, G. and Mishra, S.K., (2015), "Exploring Person technology fit and its impact on work outcomes among IT professionals", 75th Academy of Management meeting held at Vancouver Canada.
Tomer, G. (2015) "Person-Technology fit and work outcomes: A study among IT professionals in India" 23rd European conference on Information systems (ECIS) held at Munster, Germany.
Rathi, N., Lee, K., & Saxena, S. (2015). Linking Perceived Organizational Support with Job and Life Satisfaction: Quality of Work Life as a Mediator. In 4th Indian Academy of Management (IAM) conference held at Indian Institute of Management Lucknow, Noida Campus, India from December 11-13.
Rathi, N., & Lee, K. (2015). Impact of Supervisor Support on Organizational Commitment and Life Satisfaction: The Mediating Role of Quality of Work Life. In 14th Conference on IT Applications and Management (ITAM-14) held at Ewha Woman’s University, Seoul, South Korea from June 24-26.
Garg, P., Lee, K., & Rathi, N. (2015). Mapping Contours of Justice and Citizenship Behavior: An Insight from Indian Sample. In 14th Conference on IT Applications and Management (ITAM-14) held at Ewha Woman’s University, Seoul, South Korea from June 24-26.