On October 2nd, 2019, the nation celebrated the 150th birth anniversary of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. Regarded as an international icon of peace and a devoted individual who worked for the human rights throughout his life, Bapu is still alive in the heart of every Indian as a symbol of passive resistance and non-violence. To celebrate his 150th birth anniversary, the Culture and tourism ministry laid down a list of activities to be performed across government managed organizations and in regions associated with Gandhiji.
As a part of this initiative, IIM Nagpur will publish a series of write-ups, focusing on Mahatma Gandhi’s personality traits and the numerous course of action taken by him for the welfare of humanity and the country. Khadi for the mass, Making non-violence a brand, Satyagraha as a potential weapon to fight injustice and imbibing a life of simplicity makes his life immortal and pious.
The purpose behind publishing such write-ups is to spread the ideals that Bapu’s charismatic personality and thought processes reflected. Gandhiji, a true visionary, a perfect portrayal of one who demolished British policies with his foresightedness, silent yet dominating moves and patience offers us a plethora of opportunities to learn from his life.
IIM Nagpur commemorates this occasion by announcing a two-year plan in which several articles on Bapu’s ideals will be penned down and made available on the institute’s official website. They will be rich with the fragrance of Gandhian heritage and will expose us with situations that will answer critical questions such as, how to validate simplicity as a morality? How to understand the thin line between what’s enough and what’s more? How to realize that the true essence of a perfect nation radiates across generations when we emphasize more on humanity and intrinsic values of a person?
Before we embark our series of dedicated posts for reverend Bapu, let’s take a pledge of not limiting ourselves to just reading the Gandhian principles and philosophy. Instead, let’s take this oath of experiencing Bapu’s endeavor and thoughts from our soul and offer some time in retracing the causes and implications of the same.
Jai Hind…