Message from QIP Chairperson

Message from QIP Chairperson
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Message from QIP Chairperson


IIM Nagpur is inviting application for PhD in management through AICTE’s Quality Improvement Programme (QIP) scheme. QIP programme leading to a PhD in Management is aimed at upgrading the expertise of current faculty members in management departments of colleges and universities. This program offers funding support while doing PhD as per the guidelines of AICTE and more details click here.

QIP scholars will have full access to library and e-resources of IIM Nagpur. QIP scholars will have to maintain their academic performance in coursework, academic support activities and requirements of the PhD programme. PhD scholars are expected to demonstrate their knowledge in management research through coursework and comprehensive exam. It is expected that QIP scholars will publish outputs of their research in reputed journals. QIP scholars will have opportunity to write and publish cases in collaboration with faculty and industry experts.

This program aims at training QIP scholars with relevant research skills both in management philosophy and in the domain areas of management. Currently PhD in management through QIP scheme is offered in the following areas in IIM Nagpur.

  • Decision Science and Information Systems (DSIS)
  • Economics (ECO)
  • Finance and Accounting (F&A)
  • Marketing (MAR)
  • Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources Management (OB &HR)
  • Production and Operations Management (POM)
  • Strategy and Entrepreneurship (S&E)
  • Humanities, arts, and social sciences (HASS)

PhD program in IIM Nagpur is rigorous in its coursework and high expectation in research outcomes. For successful completion, a PhD program requires persistence, dedication and hard work. If you aspire to pursue management research in a vibrant environment, then you must consider IIM Nagpur.

Prof. Magesh Nagarajan
QIP Chairperson, IIM Nagpur.