Image source: Reuters
Recently concluded COP-26 at Glasgow and G-20 summit at Rome saw the congregation of World leaders after more than two years. The agenda at hand was Climate Change and their reluctance to commit towards a stringent plan to face this Challenge.
There was a clear absolution of responsibility from the so-called “Developed World” and shifting the burden towards developing countries. This absence of policy directives needed to combat Climate Change is as much of a business problem as it is Environmental. Our current economy is entwined with Climate change exacerbating actions, and decoupling it would need innovative thinking as well as Institutional support and incentives. The current plan of passing blame and shirking responsibility is only conducive to Status Quo.
There is a need for a complete transformation and reconstruction of the economy with sustainability in mind. All of this calls for strong leadership with clear directives, which can identify the opportunities that corporations and communities can build on.
If the problem wasn’t already gargantuan, the limited time makes it seem almost unsolvable. But as Winston Churchill rightly said “Never let a crisis go to waste”. Hence, the world, especially the leadership needs to seize the moment and work on solutions, instead of merely WISHING THE CRISIS AWAY.