About Conference Objectives

About Conference Objectives
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About Conference Objectives

Cybersecurity Resilience: Safeguarding business and government from cyber threats and disruptions

IIM Nagpur will organize the Cybersecurity Resilience Conference on 25 February 2025. Industry practitioners, researchers and academicians in the Cybersecurity domain from worldwide locations will participate in the conference, which will be an excellent opportunity for them to further hone their research skills and discuss variegated factors associated with Cybersecurity through keynote lectures.

Technology has become fundamental to the manufacturing of products and the delivery of services by both corporations and governments. The role of Cybersecurity becomes quintessential in the current context when there is a fast-growing Industry 5.0, Gen AI Cloud Computing, and fast adoption of Cyber-physical systems almost everywhere. It is India’s decade, and the nation is on the cusp of witnessing accelerated growth in different sectors with a more significant share of Cybersecurity and related technologies. Fast technology adoption will equally provide hackers ample room to penetrate corporate networks globally in one way or the other. Organizations need to plan for and respond to exposures and address vulnerabilities from the perspective of building Cybersecurity Resilience.

About Conference Objectives

  • To provide a platform for exchanging ideas and insights on building Cybersecurity Resilience.
  • To facilitate Industry, Academia and Policymakers’ collaboration for deliberating ways organisations can handle Cyberthreats and Disruptions.

The Conference will have invited Keynote Speeches from Industry, panel discussions, and paper presentations by select participants from Industry and Academia.

Invited Extended abstracts
A participant must submit an Extended abstract of not less than 1200 words in Word document or as a Poster in PDF format. The abstract must contain the Study Background of the specific problem, and provide the proposed framework/solution alongside a summary of Key Findings and Challenges.

Few of the submitted abstracts will be invited for a short presentation at the Conference. The Conference is open to Industry Professionals besides Consultants and Academic Researchers, Students and Faculty members.

Extended abstract submission will be through the link : Click here

Use the extended abstract template : Click here for document


  • Emerging Technologies, Trends and Platforms for Cybersecurity domain.
  • Challenges of Cybersecurity in various IT infrastructure – Network, Cloud, Application, Mobile, etc.
  • Information Security, Data Security, Cloud Security.
  • Ethical Hacking and Cybersecurity.
  • Role of Generative AI/ML in Building Cybersecurity.
  • Business Continuity Planning.
  • Innovative Approaches to Generate Cybersecurity Awareness.
  • Sectoral Case Studies and Challenges in Cybersecurity – Banking, Manufacturing, Healthcare, Public Sector, etc.
  • All topics addressing broader areas of Security issues in Cyber-physical systems.

Instructions to Authors

  • Submissions must be a single file either as a MS-word document or a PDF.
  • A minimum of 1200 words need to be in the extended abstract.
  • Author details (Name, Affiliation, Email-ids) need to be included below the Title.
  • At least one author must register for the Conference and present the paper.
  • Authors need to follow Harvard Publishing guidelines for referencing.
  • All submissions will be subject to plagiarism check and hence authors need to take responsibility of following standard academic practice.
  • AI generated content should be avoided.

IIM Nagpur will not be responsible for any violations by the authors.


  • Deadline for submitting Extended Abstract: 1st February 2025
  • Confirmation of Acceptance of Abstract: 5th February 2025
  • Conference at IIM Nagpur, MIHAN, Nagpur: 25th February 2025

To be held in IIM Nagpur’s state-of-the-art campus in MIHAN, Nagpur, this Conference requires at least one author of a selected paper to ensure registration for participation in the event to be held on 25 February 2025.

All participants who want to submit a paper need to register for the event. IIM Nagpur Alumni & PhD scholars from reputed universities/institutes pay a registration fees of INR 2000 and other participants from academia and industry will pay a registration fees of INR 4000 to cover conference lunch, tea, snacks, etc., expenses incurred.

On-campus accommodation is limited; therefore, participants are advised for early bookings. Participants can explore booking private accommodations nearby. The accommodation list will be made available for easy booking confirmation if assistance is requested.