Journal Articles

Journal Articles
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Journal Articles

Annamalai, B., Yoshida, M., Varshney, S., Pathak, A.A. and Pingali, V. (2021). 'Social media content strategy for sport clubs to drive fan engagement'. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Vol. 62, 102648, ISSN 0969-6989,
Purkayastha, A., Pattnaik, C. & Pathak, A. A. (2021). 'Agency conflict in diversified business groups and performance of affiliated firms in India: Contingent effect of external constraint and internal governance'. European Management Journal.
Mukherjee, D. (2021). 'Is India Moving Up the Global Value Chain? A Sectoral Study of Indian Exports'. Economic and Political Weekly. Vol. 56, Issue No. 20, 15 May, 2021.
Pani, S.K., & Pathak, A.A. (2021), 'Managing plastic packaging waste in emerging economies: The case of EPR in India'. Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 288, 112405, ISSN 0301-4797.
Gupta, N. and Jacob, J. (2021), The Interplay Between Sentiment and MAX: Evidence from an Emerging Market. Journal of Emerging Market Finance. January 2021. doi:10.1177/0972652720969511
Gangwani, K. K., Krishnan, T. S., Papi Reddy, A. R., & Kiran, K. (2020). 'Realignment Strategies for Retailers in the Wake of CoViD-19'. Logistics Insider. Vol. II, Issue no. 2, September 2020. pp 64-66. Gangwani, K. K., Krishnan, T. S., Papi Reddy, A. R., & Kiran, K. (2020). 'Realignment Strategies for Retailers in the Wake of CoViD-19'. Logistics Insider. Vol. II, Issue no. 2, September 2020. pp 64-66.
Krishnan, T. S., Papi Reddy, A. R., & Ramana, M. V. (2020). 'Impact of Natural Background Radiation on Health: Understanding the Debate'. Economic & Political Weekly. Vol. 55, Issue No. 37, 12 Sep, 2020. Krishnan, T. S., Papi Reddy, A. R., & Ramana, M. V. (2020). 'Impact of Natural Background Radiation on Health: Understanding the Debate'. Economic & Political Weekly. Vol. 55, Issue No. 37, 12 Sep, 2020.
Khandker, V., Gandhi, V.P., Johnson, N. (2020). Gender Perspective in Water Management: The Involvement of Women in Participatory Water Institutions of Eastern India. Water, 12(1), 196.
Shivaani, M., Jain, P. K., & Yadav, S. S. (2019). Development of a risk disclosure index and its application in an Indian context. Managerial Auditing Journal, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print).
Ranganathan, T., & Gaurav, S. (2019). The Curious Case of Cocktails, Weedicides, and Tonics. Economic and Political Weekly, 54(44), 7–8.