Sujeet Kumar Sharma

Sujeet Kumar Sharma
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Sujeet Kumar Sharma
Sujeet Kumar Sharma
Area Academic Affiliation Qualification
Decision science and information systems Faculty Ph.D.
  • Overview
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  • Administration

Dr. Sujeet K. Sharma is a Professor in the ‘Decision Science & Information Systems’ area at the Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Nagpur. Dr. Sharma has been teaching for more than 23 years in India, Oman, and Bahrain, giving him broad experience in teaching and interacting with students across multiple cultural and ethnic backgrounds. Before joining IIM Nagpur, Dr. Sharma worked with IIM Tiruchirappalli, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman, and Birla Institute of Technology, International Center, Bahrain.

His research interests include Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Social Media, Mobile Technologies, e-Services and IT for Disaster Management. He has published 40 international journal articles with ABDC/ABS ranking. His ResearchGate score is 32.15, and Google scholar citations stand at 10100 (h-index: 32 and i10-index: 49). His research articles have appeared in refereed journals, including Information Systems Journal, Government Information Quarterly, Communications of AIS, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Computers in Human Behavior, International Journal of Information Management, Information Systems Frontiers, Behavior & Information Technology, Journal of Computer Information Systems, Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems, and Journal of Enterprise Information Management. In addition, Dr. Sharma has presented his research at top-tier conferences held in India, the USA, the UK, Italy, Malaysia, Ghana, UAE, Oman, and Bahrain.

Dr. Sharma won the 'Best Researcher Award' at Sultan Qaboos University, Oman, in 2018. He organized the IFIP WG 8.6 Conference 2020 and 2023 as a conference chair at IIM Tiruchirappalli and IIM Nagpur, respectively. He has also served as a Track Chair for the International Conference of Information Systems (ICIS) 2023.

He serves as the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Systems and Information Technology (ABDC B, Emerald Publishing). In addition, he serves as an associate editor of Communications of AIS (ABDC A), a coordinating editor for Information Systems Frontiers (ABDC A), and a Senior Editor for Information Systems Management (ABDC B).

His teaching interests include Digital Transformation and Information Systems, Blockchain Essentials for Executives, Information Systems for Managers, Artificial Intelligence, Digital Governance, Forecasting Methods, Data Mining, and Business Analytics.

He worked closely with the Government of Tamil Nadu, India to set up a research center (Center for Applied Research in Data Science) for providing IT solutions to government services. He has completed a government-funded project (15 Lakhs) on “Common service Centers for e-Services: Challenges and Recommendations” in Tamil Nadu.

Dr. Sharma is the President of the AIS Chapter in India (2024--) and previously served as its Member-Secretary (2021-2024). He has worked as the MBA program director at Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman, for the academic year 2017-2018. Dr. Sharma has also served as the Chairperson of the Doctoral Programme and Research at IIM Tiruchirappalli for 2020-2022.

Selected Publications

  1. Sujeet Kumar Sharma, Singh, J. B., & Kumar, M. (2024). ‘Invented-on-the-fly’ mobile application for disaster response: Construction of technological frames and impact. Information Systems Journal. (Publisher: Wiley; ABS 4 and ABDC A*)
  2. Sujeet Kumar Sharma, Misra, S.K., Dwivedi, Y. K., & Rana, N. P. (2023). Conjoint Analysis of Blockchain Adoption challenges in Government. Journal of Computer Information Systems. [Publisher: Taylor & Francis; ABDC Ranking: A]
  3. Sujeet Kumar Sharma, Misra, S.K., Dwivedi, Y. K., & Rana, N. P. (2023). A hierarchical framework of challenges for blockchain adoption in public service: implications for decision-makers. Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems [Publisher: Association of Information Systems; ABDC Ranking: A]
  4. Kumar, P., Sujeet Kumar Sharma, & Dutot, V. (2023). Artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled CRM capability in healthcare: The impact on service innovation. International Journal of Information Management69, 102598.[Publisher: Elsevier; ABDC Ranking: A*].
  5. Sujeet Kumar Sharma & Mishra, A. (2022). Enablers and Inhibitors of Mobile Payments in Rural India: a Dual-Factor Theory Perspective. Information Systems Frontiers, 1-17. [Publisher: Springer; ABDC Ranking: A]
  6. Mishra, A., Shukla, A., & Sujeet Kumar Sharma (2022). Psychological determinants of users’ adoption and word-of-mouth recommendations of smart voice assistants. International Journal of Information Management, 102413. [Publisher: Elsevier; ABDC Ranking: A*].
  7. Tyagi, S. K., Sujeet Kumar Sharma, & Gaur, A. (2022). Determinants of continuous usage of library resources on handheld devices: findings from PLS-SEM and fuzzy sets (fsQCA). The Electronic Library, (ahead-of-print).  [Publisher: Emerald; ABDC Ranking: B]
  8. Vimalkumar, M., Sujeet Kumar Sharma, Singh, J. B., & Dwivedi, Y. K. (2021). ‘Okay google, what about my privacy?’: User's privacy perceptions and acceptance of voice-based digital assistants. Computers in Human Behavior, 120, 106763. [Publisher: Elsevier; ABDC Ranking: A]
  9. Sujeet Kumar Sharma, Metri, B., Dwivedi, Y. K., & Rana, N. P. (2021). Challenges common service centers (CSCs) face in delivering e-government services in rural India. Government Information Quarterly, 38(2), 101573. [Publisher: Elsevier; ABS  Ranking: 3* & ABDC Ranking: A]
  10. Vimalkumar, M., Singh, J. B., & Sujeet Kumar Sharma (2021). Exploring the multi-level digital divide in mobile phone adoption: A comparison of developing nations. Information Systems Frontiers, 23(4), 1057-1076. [Publisher: Springer; ABDC Ranking: A]
  11. Shareef, M. A., Dwivedi, Y. K., Wright, A., Kumar, V., Sujeet Kumar Sharma, & Rana, N. P. (2021). Lockdown and sustainability: An effective model of information and communication technology. Technological Forecasting and Social Change165, 120531.  [Publisher: Elsevier; ABDC Ranking: A].
  12. Singh, J. B., Sujeet Kumar Sharma & Gupta, P. (2020). Physical Learning Environment Challenges in the Digital Divide: How to Design Effective Instruction During COVID-19?. Communications of the Association for Information Systems. 48 (1), 18. [Publisher: Association of Information Systems; ABDC Ranking: A]
  13. Sujeet Kumar Sharma, Misra, S. K., & Singh, J. B. (2020). The role of GIS-enabled mobile applications in disaster management: A case analysis of cyclone Gaja in India. International Journal of Information Management, 51, 102030 [Publisher: Elsevier; ABDC Ranking: A*].
  14. Sujeet Kumar Sharma, Sharma, H., & Dwivedi, Y. K. (2019). A Hybrid SEM-Neural Network Model for Predicting Determinants of Mobile Payment Services. Information Systems Management, 36(3), 243-261. [Publisher: Taylor & Francis,: ABDC Ranking: B].
  15. Dwivedi, Y. K., Hughes, L., Ismagilova, E., Aarts, G., Coombs, C., Crick, T., Sujeet Kumar Sharma.,... & Galanos, V.(2019). Artificial Intelligence (AI): Multidisciplinary perspectives on emerging challenges, opportunities, and agenda for research, practice and policy. International Journal of Information Management, 57, 101994. [Publisher: Elsevier; ABDC Ranking: A*].
  16. Sujeet Kumar Sharma (2019). Integrating cognitive antecedents into TAM to explain mobile banking behavioral intention: A SEM-neural network modeling. Information Systems Frontiers, 21 (4), 815-827. [Publisher: Springer; ABDC Ranking: A]
  17. Sujeet Kumar Sharma, & Sharma, M. (2019). Examining the role of trust and quality dimensions in the actual usage of mobile banking services: An empirical investigation. International Journal of Information Management, 44, 65-75. [Publisher: Elsevier; ABDC Ranking: A*]
  18. Sujeet Kumar Sharma, Al-Badi, A., Rana, N. P., & Al-Azizi, L. (2018). Mobile applications in government services (mG-App) from user's perspectives: A predictive modelling approach. Government Information Quarterly. 35(4), 557-568. [Publisher: Elsevier; ABS Ranking: 3* & ABDC Ranking: A]
  19. Sujeet Kumar Sharma, Mangla, S. K., Luthra, S., & Al-Salti, Z. (2018). Mobile wallet inhibitors: Developing a comprehensive theory using an integrated model. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 45, 52-63. [Publisher: Elsevier; ABDC Ranking: A]
  20. Bhuian, S. N., Sujeet Kumar Sharma, Butt, I., & Ahmed, Z. U. (2018). Antecedents and pro-environmental consumer behavior (PECB): the moderating role of religiosity. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 35(3), 287-299 [Publisher: Emerald; ABDC Ranking: A].
  21. Sujeet Kumar Sharma, Gaur, A., Saddikuti, V., & Rastogi, A. (2017). Structural equation model (SEM)-neural network (NN) model for predicting quality determinants of e-learning management systems. Behaviour & Information Technology, 36 (10), 1053-1066. [Publisher: Taylor & Francis; ABDC Ranking: A]
  22. Sujeet Kumar Sharma, Sarrab, M., & Al-Shihi, H. (2017). Development and validation of Mobile Learning Acceptance Measure (MLAM). Interactive Learning Environments, 25(7), 847-858. [Publisher: Taylor & Francis; Impact factor 4.965]
  23. Saxena, S., & Sujeet Kumar Sharma (2016). Integrating Big Data in “e-Oman”: Opportunities and challenges. Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance, 18(5), 79-97. [Publisher: Emerald; ABDC Ranking: B]
  24. Sujeet Kumar Sharma, Al-Badi, A. H., Govindaluri, S. M., & Al-Kharusi, M. H. (2016). Predicting motivators of cloud computing adoption: A developing country perspective. Computers in Human Behavior, 62, 61-69. [Publisher: Elsevier; ABDC Ranking: A]
  25. Sujeet Kumar Sharma, Joshi, A., & Sharma, H. (2016). A multi-analytical approach to predict the Facebook usage in higher education. Computers in Human Behavior, 55, 340-353. [ Publisher: Elsevier; ABDC Ranking: A]
  26. Yadav, Rajan, Sujeet Kumar Sharma, & Tarhini, Ali. (2016). A multi-analytical approach to understand and predict the mobile commerce adoption. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 29(2), 222-237. [Publisher: Emerald; ABDC Ranking: A]
  27. Sujeet Kumar Sharma (2015). Adoption of e-Government services: The role of service quality dimensions and demographic variables. Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy, 9(2), 207-222. [Publisher: Emerald; ABDC Ranking: B]
  28. Alenezi, H., Tarhini, A., & Sujeet Kumar Sharma (2015). Development of quantitative model to investigate the strategic relationship between information quality and e-government benefits. Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy, 9(3), 324-351. [Publisher: Emerald; ABDC Ranking: B]
  29. Gholam R. Amin & Sujeet Kumar Sharma (2014). Measuring batting parameters in cricket: A two-stage regression-OWA method. Measurement ,53, 56-61,  [Publisher: Elsevier, Impact factor 5.131]
  30. Gholam R. Amin & Sujeet Kumar Sharma (2014): Cricket team selection using data envelopment analysis. European Journal of Sport Science, 14 (Sup 1), S369-376. [Publisher: Taylor and Francis, Impact factor 3.981]
  31. Sujeet Kumar Sharma, Amin, R. G., & Gattoufi, S. (2012). Choosing the best Twenty20 cricket batsmen using ordered weighted averaging. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 12(3), 614-628. [Publisher: Taylor and Francis, Impact factor 1.518]

Selected Teaching

  • Blockchain Essentials for Managers (IIM Tiruchirappalli)
  • Digital Governance (IIM Vishakhapatnam)
  • Management Information Systems (IIM Tiruchirappalli)
  • Introduction to Research and Theory Building (IIM Tiruchirappalli)
  • Information Systems Research Foundations (IIM Tiruchirappalli)
  • Empirical Research Methods in Information Systems (IIM Tiruchirappalli)
  • Data Mining with Statistical Methods (Sultan Qaboos University, Oman)
  • Multivariate Methods using SPSS (Sultan Qaboos University, Oman)
  • Forecasting and Time Series Methods (Sultan Qaboos University, Oman)
  • Data Processing and Analysis for Decision Making (Sultan Qaboos University, Oman)

Selected Training Programmes as Resource Person/PDs

  • Certificate Programme in General Management -HPCL Officers (Vizag)
  • JMD Programme for HPCL-Officers
  • Leadership Development Programme for DGM and above Executives of NLCIL
  • MDP on Strategic Leadership for Joint & Deputy Directors under Ministry of Skill Development
  • Session on Big Data and Industry 4.0 for Senior Executives of HAPP, Trichy
  • MDP on Leadership for Principal / Sr faculty / Administrative officers under Directorate of Training and Technical Education, Delhi
  • A Journey Towards Excellence for Deputy Directors and Assistant Directors under Ministry of Skill Development
  • IOCL MADHYAMA 1 and 2 (Officers)
  • The Art of Training for Training Officers, Trainers of ITI & NSTI
  • FDP on Research Methods and Data Analytics

Administration and Community Services

  • Chairperson, Decision Science & Information Systems Area, IIM Nagpur
  • Chairperson, IT Facilities, IIM Nagpur
  • Chairperson, Doctoral Programme and Research (2020-2022) at IIM Tiruchirappalli
  • Chairperson, IT Infrastructure and Website (2020-2022) at IIM Tiruchirappalli
  • Chairperson, Center for Applied Research in Data Science (2019-2022) at IIM Tiruchirappalli
  • Member of the College Board, the highest decision-making body in the College, Sultan Qaboos University Muscat, Oman for 2016-2018
  • Director of the MBA programme at Sultan Qaboos University Muscat, Oman for 2017-2018.

President (2024-Till Date): Association of Information Systems (India Chapter)

Member-Secretary (2020 -2024), Association of Information Systems (India Chapter)