


Are you finding it difficult to access/navigate through the content/pages of this website? This section attempts to help you have a pleasant experience while browsing this website. This website includes contents available in non-HTML format, and may not be visible, if browser does not have the required plug-ins.

Navigating the IIMN Website

The website has the following sections with the subsections mentioned against them:

About IIMN: About IIM Nagpur; Vision and Mission; Logo and Motto; Chairperson’s Message; Director’s Message; Board of Governors; Campus; About Nagpur; Annual Reports

Programmes: Post Graduate Programme

Admissions: Domestic; Overseas; Information for Incoming Students; Admissions Office Contact
Executive Education: About IIMN Executive Education; Executive Education Chairperson’s Message; Executive Education Programmes; Executive Education Infrastructure; Executive Education Office Contact; Executive Education FAQ’s; Executive Education Testimonials


InFED: About InFED; InFED Chairperson’s Message; Activities; InFED FAQs; InFED Contact Details; InFED Testimonials

Student Activities: Recent Achievements; Life@IIMN; Clubs and Committees; Events; Photo Gallery; Testimonials

News: Media Room; IIMN in Press and Media
-Contact Us
-Right to Information
-IIMN Intranet
-CAT Website
-Gender Issues Committee
-Accessibility Statement
-Privacy Policy
-Copyright Policy
-Hyperlink Policy
-Terms of Use
-Help (current page).

Required Plug-ins and Software

Downloading Documents

Documents uploaded on the website, or available as an attachment are in Portable Document Format (PDF). While the website is tested for user-friendliness across browsers, the browsers need to have the necessary plug-ins or software to view the information properly. For example, the Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to view PDF files. The Adobe Acrobat Reader can be installed from here.

Viewing Multimedia and Interactive Sections

Your browser should have the JavaScript file installed to view the slider and animations properly.

Click Here to download the Javascript file.

Changing Content Language
By clicking on this link, user will be able to see the contents in Hindi. In English – This link displays the contents in English.

Click Here to download the Hindi font.

Text Size

Changing the size of the text refers to making the text appearing smaller or bigger from its standard size. The website allows you to change the text size in two different ways, by clicking on the text size icons present at the top of each page, and through the Accessibility Options page.

Text size Icons

The following options are provided in the form of icons which are available on the top of each page:

  • – Decrease text size: Allows users to decrease the text size by one level
  • A Normal text size: Allows users to set default text size
  • + Increase text size: Allows users to increase the text size by one level

Search Function

Simple search functionality is available on the home page, from where users can search for information by entering keywords. The search function covers all webpages on the site, as well as documents/reports/picture/press release/news. Specific search option is given on specific pages with the functionality of searching by Keyword, Location, Title, Subject, Ministry etc.

Searching Tips

  • When searching, don’t enter plural forms such as “press releases” because the server will only find documents with releases (plural) in the title or keywords. If you enter “release” (singular), the server will list entries with both release and releases.
  • All searches are case-insensitive. That is, entered keywords are searched for regardless of capitalization.