Leadership Webinar Series Vihaan 2.0: Sushant Sharma (GE Healthcare)

Leadership Webinar Series Vihaan 2.0: Sushant Sharma (GE Healthcare)
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Leadership Webinar Series Vihaan 2.0: Sushant Sharma (GE Healthcare)May 30, 2021

IIM Nagpur was delighted to host Mr. Sushant Sharma, Senior Talent Partner, GE Healthcare, for another amazing session of our flagship Leadership Webinar Series – VIHAAN 2.0. The theme of the discussion was “How Analytics has shaped 2020 and what can we expect in 2021”.

The discussion started with Mr. Sushant telling about the evolution of GE, further talking about GE Healthcare in particular. He showed some real-life examples of how medical technology is transforming and, with further developments, what can be expected in the near future.

He then went on to explain the importance of analytics and how it was used prior to 2020. He then took us through the emerging trends and technologies in the field of analytics and their extensive use across different spheres in the industry.

He also emphasized the importance of quality over quantity and encouraged students to work on real-time data and solve practical problems to gain maximum knowledge in the analytics domain.

We thank Mr. Sushant for sharing his valuable knowledge and time with the students of IIM Nagpur.